Platform > Udstillingsstedet Sydhavn Station

Opening night at Sydhavn Station.

Copenhagen, Denmark

The exhibition space Sydhavn Station was formed in 2012 and consists of 11 members. With a location at an S-train station we address a broad audience, who through this encounter contemporary art in an informal way. The exhibitions are curated by the members, who in turn are responsible for the day-to-day running of the place.

At Juxtapose Art Fair, we participate with a poster exhibition where the works are continuously changed. In addition to the posters, we also show our 10-year anniversary publication "If Time Matters".

Sonja Lillebæk Christensen, “RØDE SONJA - en påkaldelse af fortidens uforståeligheder”, 2023. Photo: Sonja Lillebæk Christensen.