Platform > Kounaktif

Pictures from Casablanca and Chefchaouen - Damj project

Casablanca, Morocco

Kounaktif is a collective and a cultural platform founded in 2018. We create a hub to exchange knowledge and skills, weaving social bonds via arts and culture, and promote different communities to develop their creative and critical abilities in the fields of visual and sound arts, philosophy, new media and DIY practices. These practices are used as tools of resistance against imposed realities. Kounaktif’s DNA is expressed at the intersection between arts, technology and ecology through creativity, education and dissemination. It constantly promotes collective intelligence and collaboration through its programmes in the form of discussions, round tables, creative labs, exhibitions, participatory workshops and concerts.

Six months ago, we opened our cultural space named L'FADAE where we organize most of our activities. L'FADAE is a multidisciplinary space made for exchange, co-learning, co-creation, and experimentation dedicated to raise critical and creative awareness of individuals and communities on socio-political and environmental issues through arts and DIY culture.

We aim, as Kounaktif team, to gather artists, activists, technicians, academics, makers and creative practitioners to be able to meet, think critically and creatively together, develop collaborative projects, address common challenges found in our organizations, collectives and more broadly in our societies and develop creative strategies to tackle the various challenges we may collectively encounter.

Workshop - L’Fadae - on discrimination and violence

Workshop - field - twiza, exchange of knowledge