Platform > Family Dinner

Melly x Eathouse x Family Dinner Event, Charli Herrington & Gordon H. Williams, photo by Vlada Predelina

Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Family Dinner is a collective based in Rotterdam, NL. In our research, we explore how cooking can be a form of self- and community-care within the context of oppressive capitalist structures. We aim to create a space that explores how art, food, and community intersect.

In 2022 Family Dinner organized a residency to study the themes of hospitality, sharing, and gifts. We encountered questions such as how to be caring without monetary resources and how to build community with limited shared time. At Juxtapose we are sharing documentation, questions and hopes that came out of this process.

Melly x Eathouse x Family Dinner Event, Charli Herrington & Gordon H. Williams, photo by Vlada Predelina

Family Dinner Cookbook, Charli Herrington & Gordon H Williams with residency artists, photo by Charli Herrington